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Short eBook in iPad, Kindle and other digital formats

Apr 13, 2011 | Current Affairs


Freedom Agenda: Blueprint for Creating a Better World

by Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein

As we celebrate our festival of freedom, the world is convulsed by new struggles for freedom, in Egypt and elsewhere. What does Judaism teach us about protecting freedom and understanding its importance for the world and our personal lives?

Available in eBook format for iPad, Kindle and other devices

Download in .MOBI format for Kindle and send to your Kindle email address.
Download in .EPUB format for iPad and other readers, including Adobe Digital Editions.
Download in .PDF format – compatible with Kindle, iPad, and most other readers.
Also available free during Pesach in your shul and Jewish bookshops, or email [email protected] to order a copy.
Watch this video for some background to the writing of Freedom Agenda: Blueprint for Creating a Better World: